Monday, August 27, 2012

[SG PM Rally 2012] UniSIM and SIT to be counted as Local University

As heard in the PM's National Day Rally 2012 speech, PM said the Government is opening up more paths in higher education. It will increase full-time places for applied degrees. Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and SIM University (UniSIM) will be made Singapore's fifth and sixth universities.

Well, personally i felt that this doesn't makes a difference to the employment selection criteria. I believe many other citizens will feel this way too.
  • Employers will still sought after applicants from NUS / NTU / SMU as these 3 are the main Universities in Singapore.
  • The salary scale of the worker will not be at par with a fellow worker of the same position and job scope due to the difference in the value of the cert.

After all, the reality of getting a certificate is to apply a job with good prospects, salary scale and career progression and obviously the value of a certificate from NUS / NTU / SMU over weighs SIT / SIM no matter if the latter is officially recognized or not.

On the brighter side, for SIT / UniSIM students, they can look forward to joining the Government sector which accepts qualifications from Local Universities. I believe that there are graduates from UniSIM / SIT who wishes to join the Mninistry of Education (MOE) to embark on a journey to become an Educator. This will be good news for them.

But still, this doesn't change the fact that FTs are still competing with locals for job positions and in fact this is an advantage to them.

Ho Say.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Singaporean - Korean Group 스카프(SKARF) Debut

The group which consist of 2 Singaporean girls and 2 Korean girls has debut with their song Oh! Dance. Wish them the best in pursuing their dreams.

To the 2 Singaporean ladies, Good luck and Jia You hor. To the Koreans, Hwaiting!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

CHC members can raise money for Kong Hee and Cohort

My thoughts, to be honest, by just reading the heading, i am already thinking why does someone like Kong Hee needs the financial support from CHC anyway? I mean, his wealth and assets accumulated surpasses maybe even one cell group members income combined. 
As for his partners, they might be needed some form of financial assistance due to their suspension but again, there is a high probability that they are financially secured themselves with millions to spare. If this fund raising occurs, there should be transparency of how much CHC is giving each of those people or any form that can justify how the funds are used in this raising.

I ain't from CHC neither do i have a religion. I hate to say this but can people following bindly just wake up? Giving donations that were used to fund an unsuccessful music career while there are people stuggling to survive and asking people to downgrade their housing in order to give someone else to upgrade their housing to Sentosa Cover behind people's back.

That said, i believe those who are behind Kong Hee and gang will still support him no matter what he did or whatever they are accused of doing. So lets take a look at how to raise and give money, they CHC way, in the pictures below. Tee Hee.